
  • Time Machines  ››

    Time Machines ››

    Photographs truly are Time Machines. I,ve had the privilege of being able to photograph some people for the second time...

  • Children  ››

    Children ››

    Photographing children (I don’t mean professional model/actor children) is always an adventure into the unknown.I try to just let them...

  • THe Maurice Seymour Gallery  ››

    THe Maurice Seymour Gallery ››

    Photographer to the Celebrities Actually, there were two Maurice Seymours. The brothers Maurice Zeldman and Seymour Zeldman came to Chicago...

  • Personal, Family and Friends  ››

    Personal, Family and Friends ››

    Family and Friends. Those are the most important things in our lives. I have two children and 5 grandchildren and...